Memorabilia 29

The First Year 1965/66

By Lt Col D. I. "Ian" Godden (First OC)

D. I. "Ian' Godden

Memoirs by Lt Col Ian Goddon Rtd, first Officer Commanding, 104 Sig Sqn on the forming of the first Task Force Signal Squadron in 1965/66 for War Service in South Vietnam.
104 Sig Sqn Mem-19

104 Sig Sqn Mem 29

1.    Memoirs dated 10 Sept 1986 
2.    104 Sig Sqn was formally raised on the 30 Dec 1965.
3.    104 Sig Sqn served in South Vietnam from Apr 1967 to Dec 1971.
4.    Ian's memoirs were provide by Col Chris Robinson (Ex Tp Comd, 104 Sig Sqn).
5.    Major General Douglas "Tim" Vincent CB, AM, OBE, MiD was the most senior RASigs
       Officer to serve in South Vietnam and was the Commander of the Australian Force
       Vietnam (AFV) from 31 Jan 1967 to 3 Feb 1968.  He was a WW2 veteran and
       Director of Signals 1954 to 1958.

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