ALBUM 112 - 104 SIG SQN

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104 Sig Sqn
112-1.   View from Nui Dat Hill to the South over 3 Cav area.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
112-2   View from Nui Dat Hill looking North over the Eastern end of Luscombe Field.  Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
-3.   Richard Carpenter.  Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
-4.   John Taylor (Radio Sgt).   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn 
112-5.   104 Boozer before being named the Abraham Club. Unknown  with an SLR and a F1.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

Comment:  F1 Sub Machine Gun - All were removed from the Task Force and replaced with M16 Rifles in early 1968.

104 Sig Sqn
-6.  US Army Signals vehicles.  Detachment was located with 104 Sig Sqn for the communication link to HQ 2FFV.  Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
112-7.    Unknown on a VHF Retrans task at a US Army Base.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
112-8.    Unknown on a VHF Retrans task at a US Army Base.  Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
112-9.  L-R Bas Williams and Unknown carrying a 12V 100amp battery.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
-10.  Long Binh near the Railway line with lots of Helicopters moving in the background.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
-11.   Long Binh  Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
-12.   Long Binh packing up with the RR Antenna on the right.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
-13.    Post Excahge (PX) at Long Binh.  Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
-14.  Ginger a beer and plant working beside the 104 Sig Sqn movie tent.    Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
112-15.   Piss-a-phone.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
112-16.  one of 104 Sig Sqn seven MG Bunkers facing Kangaroo Pad.   Photo supplied by George Donohue [1968]

104 Sig Sqn
112-17.   Alex Young while doing Recruit Training at SingletonPhoto supplied by George Donohue [1968]

Comment:  Alex Young was KIA at FSPB Coral in May 1968.   Lest we forget. 

104 Sig Sqn
112-18.    Briefing in the Abraham Club.    Photo supplied by Nev Haskett [1971]

Comment: Dennis Abraham was KIA near Bearcat in Sept 1968.    Lest we forget.

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